4JNET Is Positioned To Outperform Safemoon Through A Unique Mechanism

Safemoon launched on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) on March 8, which saw a 200-time increase within less than a month.

4JNET has launched the pre sale of limited-edition nonfungible tokens (NFTs) on Oct. 18, and a total of 5,000 limited-edition NFTs have been distributed
now 4JNET challenge for for safemoon

Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the two tokens from the developer’s point of view
The two strengths of SafeMoon are.


1) Distribution of fees to individual coin holders without static compensation and staking
2) Continuous expansion of lp, part of the general transaction processing fee is supplied as lp

These two features of SafeMoon were particularly good and caught the attention of investors.
However, it causes serious centralization problems such as:

1. It has the right to recover by controlling ownership of the transaction liquidity supply pool.
2. Voluntary adjustment of transaction fee rate There is a possibility of sudden change of the fee rate.
3. Owner can create account address without fee (causes user loss due to asymmetry)
4. Owners are free to set the maximum transaction rate at will, which is also a concern

Against this, 4jnet borrowed safemoon code and philosophy to highlight its strengths, made efforts to improve safemoon’s excessive centralization problem, and created several new innovations

1. Liquidity is permanently preserved by incineration of the recovery rights in the liquid wallet.
2. The fee rate for adding liquidity is entirely controlled by the contract
Handling fees mapped to dividends of all currency holding addresses are set as an immutable constant
3.4 The authority to the privileged address of the 4JNET project owner account is destroyed at the black hole address
4. Set the maximum number of transactions for each transaction to 1% of the total issuance
5. Realize the owner’s profit by issuing 4JPASS that integrates the functions of nft

4JNET continues all the good features of SafeMoon and proves that 4JNET outperforms SafeMoon by adding some innovative features that solve the problem of excessive centralization.

4JNET’s vision and philosophy is to create a fair, friendly and prosperous community to provide people with safe, transparent, fair and decentralized blockchain products.

The purpose of blockchain is to pursue the ideals of security, transparency, fairness and decentralization, but due to loopholes in smart contracts and the faults of many project leaders, various blockchains are in a reality where asset security crises and fraud cases do not cease.

Following a blind trend such as the recent Squid Coin is risky, and you need to ensure that your project is blockchain stable and transparent, and that fair decentralization is achieved.
In that sense, the 4JNET project is a project worth investing in.


Randal has been following the crypto space since 2013. He is a passionate advocate for blockchain technology, and believes that it will have a profound impact on how people live their lives. In addition to being an avid blogger, Randal also enjoys writing about developments in the industry as well as providing useful guides to help those who are new to this exciting frontier of finance and technology.

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